
  1. Lord Advocate statement: Prosecution guidance on public safety and prison population

    The Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain KC made this statement to the Scottish Parliament regarding prosecution guidance on public safety and prison population.

    10 Oct 2024 Statements
  2. Domestic Abuse and Stalking charges in Scotland, 2023-24

    A report on Domestic Abuse and Stalking charges in Scotland 2023-24 was published. 

    11 Sep 2024 Statements
  3. Solicitor General for Scotland is committed to tackling coercive and controlling behaviour

    The Solicitor General for Scotland has vowed to continue tackling the serious and damaging crime of coercive control in domestic abuse cases.

    11 Sep 2024 Statements
  4. Lord Advocate addresses Inspectorate report

    The Lord Advocate has accepted a report into how domestic abuse is prosecuted, which has emphasised that the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service must speed up the work it is doing to improve the service it gives to victims.  

    17 Apr 2024 Statements
  5. Digital platform for victims and witnesses launched by COPFS

     An initiative to digitally transform how victims and witnesses in criminal cases can access information and guidance relevant to them online has been launched by the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS).   

    15 Apr 2024 Statements
  6. Solicitor General for Scotland issues statement on safer sleeping for babies

    A number of investigations into the sudden and unexpected deaths of babies has prompted the Solicitor General Ruth Charteris KC to urge families to follow the advice available on safer sleeping.

    26 Jan 2024 Statements
  7. Lord Advocate's statement to the Scottish Parliament on Post Office Horizon IT prosecutions

    Statement on Horizon IT prosecutions made by Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain KC on 16 January 2024

    16 Jan 2024 Statements
  8. Statement from the Lord Advocate marking 35 years since the Lockerbie bombing

    The Lord Advocate, Dorothy Bain KC, has reflected upon the 35th anniversary of the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie and the longest-running investigation in the history of the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS). The Lord Advocate has ministerial responsibility for COPFS, Scotland’s sole criminal prosecution authority. COPFS works independently of government in the prosecution of crime and investigation of deaths.

    21 Dec 2023 Statements
  9. Statement on the Lord Advocate’s reference to the Court of Appeal

    The Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain KC has acknowledged the outcome of a reference she made to the Court of Appeal requesting them to consider a point of law concerning corroboration.

    18 Oct 2023 Statements
  10. Statement on pilot safer drug consumption facility

    The Lord Advocate has responded to a request for a focused statement of prosecution policy in relation to a pilot safer drugs consumption facility in Glasgow.  

    11 Sep 2023 Statements