They came together to sign the ‘Dying to Work’ charter, an initiative promoted by the Trades Union Congress (TUC).

Crown Agent David Harvie said: “I am proud that COPFS has signed this charter demonstrating our commitment to providing security, understanding and support to colleagues with a life-limiting illness. This initiative builds on our existing support for staff and shows what we can achieve for colleagues when we work in partnership with our trade unions.”
About the charter
The charter states:
- We recognise that terminal illness requires support and understanding and not additional and avoidable stress and worry.
- Terminally ill workers will be secure in the knowledge that we will support them following their diagnosis and we recognise that safe and reasonable work can help maintain dignity, offer a valuable distraction and can be therapeutic in itself.
- We will provide our employees with the security of work, peace of mind and the right to choose the best course of action for themselves and their families which helps them through this challenging period with dignity and without undue financial loss.
- We support the TUC’s Dying to Work campaign so that all employees battling terminal illness have adequate employment protection and have their death in service benefits protected for the loved ones they leave behind.
COPFS also offers guidance and accommodations for the staff and line managers who need support when an employee is faced with a life limiting illness. To find out more about the charter, visit the Dying to Work website.