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Showing 31-40 of 61 results filtered by Agreement or Code of practice or Prosecution policy

  1. Lord Advocate's guidelines: Investigation of road traffic deaths

    Lord Advocate's guidelines for the chief constable on the investigation by the police of road traffic deaths.

    Prosecution policy Last updated 05 Dec 2017
  2. Memorandum of understanding on tackling foreign bribery

    An agreement between COPFS the CPS, Financial Conduct Authority, HMRC, MoD, Police, NCA and Serious Fraud Office on tackling foreign bribery.

    Agreement Last updated 08 May 2017
  3. Deceased suspects policy

    This policy explains how prosecutors approach criminal cases where the suspect has died.

    Prosecution policy Last updated 05 Sep 2016
  4. Code of practice: forensic pathologists

    Read the code of practice and performance standards for forensic pathologists in Scotland who are dealing with suspicious deaths.

    Code of practice Last updated 01 Jan 2016
  5. Agricultural crime policy

    Prosecution policy explaining how prosecutors deal with reports relating to agricultural crime.

    Prosecution policy Last updated 01 Dec 2015
  6. Refugees policy

    Prosecution policy explaining how prosecutors apply Section 31 of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999 which provides protection for refugees/presumptive refugees.

    Prosecution policy Last updated 01 Dec 2015
  7. Lord Advocate’s guidelines: Vulnerable adult witnesses

    Instructions to the police on recording and reporting information about vulnerable adult witnesses.

    Prosecution policy Last updated 14 Oct 2015
  8. Lord Advocate’s guidelines: Soliciting and loitering offences

    Lord Advocate’s guidelines to chief constables on the enforcement of soliciting and loitering offences by purchasers.

    Prosecution policy Last updated 14 Oct 2015
  9. Lord Advocate's guidelines: Breath test devices

    Lord Advocate's guidelines for police on the operation of breath test devices and machines, and the procedure to be followed when obtaining readings.

    Prosecution policy Last updated 14 Oct 2015
  10. Lord Advocate's guidelines: Offences aggravated by prejudice

    Lord Advocate's guidelines on offences aggravated by prejudice including guidance on investigation and reporting of crime, custody and undertakings.

    Prosecution policy Last updated 14 Oct 2015