Showing 51-60 of 61 results filtered by Agreement or Code of practice or Prosecution policy
Same sex marriage prosecution guidance
Guidance document for prosecutors in relation to incidents reported involving criticism of or support for same sex marriage.
Sheriff court business: joint working
Protocol for court management and preparation of cases for sheriff court business between the Scottish Courts Service and COPFS
Solemn and Summary criminal cases: joint working
An agreement between COPFS and the Scottish Court Service (SCS) regarding the programming and management of solemn and summary criminal cases.
Protocol for witness citation targets
This COPFS document describes the protocol for witness citation targets
Family Liaison: Joint working with ACPOS and COPFS
Read the joint protocol between ACPOS and COPFS regarding keeping in touch with relatives in death investigations.
Code of Practice: Disclosure of evidence in criminal proceedings
This document gives guidance to prosecutors, Police Scotland, and other investigating agencies in relation to the disclosure of evidence in criminal proceedings
UK Borders Agency: joint working protocol
Read the joint protocol between COPFS and the UK Border Agency regarding immigration and associated crime.
Terrorist cases: joint working within the UK
Read the joint statement regarding the handling of terrorist cases where the jurisdiction to prosecute is shared by prosecuting authorities in the UK.
Work-related deaths protocol
The work-related deaths protocol agreed by the Health and Safety Executive, Association of Chief Police Officers (Scotland), British Transport Police, and COPFS
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: joint working protocol
Read the joint working protocol between SEPA and COPFS for submission, processing and monitoring of prosecution reports