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Showing 41-50 of 380 results filtered by Equality and inclusion or Feedback and complaints or Finance and procurement or Performance reporting and statistics or Transparency

  1. Minutes of the Resources Committee – 9 February 2023

    Minutes of the Resources Committee 9 February 2023

    Minutes Last updated 20 Jul 2023
  2. No action cases 2018 to 2023

    Read the statistics on the number of cases reported to COPFS between 2018 and 2023 in which no action was taken.

    Statistics Last updated 17 Jul 2023
  3. Minutes of the Resources Committee – 8 June 2023

    Minutes of the Resources Committee 8 June 2023

    Minutes Last updated 14 Jul 2023
  4. Minutes of the Business Improvement Committee – February 2023

    Minutes of the Business Improvement Committee – 9 February 2023

    Minutes Last updated 15 Jun 2023
  5. Minutes of the Executive Board – 22 March 2023

    Minutes of the Executive Board 22 March 2023

    Minutes Last updated 24 May 2023
  6. Minutes of the Operational Performance Committee – March 2023

    Minutes of the Operational Performance Committee 9 March 2023

    Minutes Last updated 18 May 2023
  7. Minutes of the Audit and Risk Committee – February 2023

    Minutes of the Audit and Risk Committee 8 February 2023

    Minutes Last updated 18 May 2023
  8. Equality Mainstreaming Report 2023 - Annex B HR data and analysis

    This is Annex B to the COPFS Mainstreaming Equality Report 2023 and includes data from the COPFS HR and payroll systems as of 31 March 2023.

    Report Last updated 30 Apr 2023
  9. Equality Mainstreaming Report 2021-23

    The COPFS Equality Mainstreaming Report for 2021 to 2023.

    Report Last updated 28 Apr 2023
  10. Freedom of information (FOI) Register April 2022 - March 2023

    Register of requests made between April 2022 and March 2023 under the Freedom of Information Scotland Act 2002. It also includes the response decision of COPFS.

    FOI release Last updated 27 Apr 2023