Review my witness statement

If you are a witness you may want to look at the witness statement that you gave to the police before giving evidence in court.

Am I allowed access to my witness statement?

If you have been cited as a witness to give evidence in a trial, you may be able to read your police statement before you give evidence in court. If you would like to read your statement you should contact us to request access.

All requests for access are considered on a case-by-case basis.

Any request made by a child witness, aged under 18 years, is considered in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child.

How do I request access?

We will normally arrange for you to review your witness statement at one of our offices or by attending an online meeting. We would be happy to discuss what is available in your case.

If our Victim Information and Advice service (VIA) are already in touch with you, contact them on the details they have provided.

If you would like to request access to your statement, contact our Enquiry Point: